Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Moebius: 40 Days in the Desert B

Moebius' 40 Days in the Desert is glorious book of art that showcases exactly what Moebius does best: Create absolutely stunning line work and write a story that leaves us wondering what's going on, but not caring either way. 40 Days in the Desert is a a set of 70 images that are loosely tied together by a repeating character (or at least, what appears to be the same character) and a setting that is sometimes resembles a desert. Absent of text, the images are purely up to your own interpretation, but the beautiful work speaks all for itself. 

Pros: It's Moebius, that's all that need be said

Cons: It's paperback, so it's delicate

How To Buy: Out of Print in America, it can be imported for exorbitant fees or bought from Stuart Ng

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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Shanghai: The Architecture of China's Great Urban Center

Shanghai: The Architecture of China's Great Urban Center is an interesting book. Full of contradictions like the city itself, the text of the book talks about a Shanghai that boomed and grew too fast with too little planning. Built during a time when there was much enthusiasm and little ruling, these structures are marvels of architecture with new and edgy innovations, but are usually built in useless places and without much regard given to their neighbors. This book talks about these difficulties in a bitter sweet manor, discussing the traditions of Shanghai architecture, it's influences, and where it will go in the furture. All of these along side some spectacular photos of some of the most curious and beautiful modern architecture in the world.

Exemplifying the Shanghai of today, this traditional building stands juxtaposed to the modern skyscrapers in the background. 

Pros: Hard Cover, good printing, nice quality paper. Interestingly informative about the dynamics of Shanghai in regards to it's architecture, and its architects

Cons: On the slimmer side of art books, but not dramatically so.

How To Buy:Amazon

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